Johann Plietzsch - Trumpet - Johann Plietzsch - Trumpet

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Johann Plietzsch
Trumpet   Natural-Trumpet   
Teacher   Artistic Director of  BTEB

“… when I heard this recording in 1983 – a sinfonia to a lost Bach cantata for solo violin, three trumpets, timpani, and orchestra with the Concentus Musicus under N. Harnoncourt – it became clear to me: this is how trumpets have to be and sound! A tone like velvet and gold, blending as a group with the orchestral sound, singing and, at the same time, powerful! This recording lastingly influenced my whole musical life.”

Handel Festival Halle 2024
a concert review

European Festive Music from France, Germany & England
for a large Wind & Drums Ensemble on period instruments
Developed and conducted by Johann Plietzsch.

To perform this wonderful concert program at the Händelfestspiele Halle 2024 (...and intentionally following the titel!) Johann Plietzsch & the Barocktrompeten Ensemble Berlin invited 34 musicians from nearly all over Europe – outstanding players from Spain, France, Greatbritain, Ireland, Poland, Netherlands, Austria & Germany – a really european project!

Twelve Oboes, nine Trumpets, three French-Horns, three Bassoons, three Double-Bassoons (in an advanced notice for a concert in London 1739 – the participation of two „Double-Bassoons“ was advertised as sensation!), four pairs of timpani, including one octave lower tuned pair (following period records, Handel borrowed this type of "military drums" from the Tower of London for his concerts) - Power of Music!

Konzert Händelfestspiele Halle 2024
Händelfestspiele Halle 2024
Photos by Thomas Ziegler
For more information and concert-related video-clips go to BTEB (english) or BTEB (german)

© 2024 by Johann Plietzsch
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